RSVP-School Tutors
Tutors/Mentors students in Grades K-3 in both the County and City School Systems to improve reading skills and insure that the students at risk are learning to read at grade level.
Tutor/mentor students in other subjects as deemed necessary by the Classroom Teacher.”
Volunteers with the desire to work with children are offered the opportunity to participate in reading workshops. The workshops act as a resource to strengthen understanding of reading and working with children, while providing a platform for connections and support to one another. In addition, as a registered member of RSVP you will enjoy benefits that include ongoing support, a newsletter, supplemental insurance while volunteering, feedback and recognition for your work.
![Limestone County](images/limestone-county-logo.gif) ![City of Athens, AL](images/city-of-athens-logo.gif) ![RSVP ATHENS, ALABAMA](images/RSVP-lead-with-experience-l.gif)
409 West Washington Street Athens, Alabama 35611 - P. O. Box 852 Athens, Alabama 35612
(256) 232-7207 Fax (256) 232-8842 E-Mail
Designed by KLAMCO Web Design for RSVP Athens, Alabama ©2009